glover says to connor. white jesus nods and thanks him. over the course of a week in february, donald glover and i spoke at length about all kinds of things: his multiple partnerships with amazon studios that allowed him to make guava island with rihanna; candace owens; house parties in h...
Saturday Night LiveandSingle Parentsalum Taran Killam will star in the CBS comedy pilotWelcome to Georgia, as an airline pilot whose wild mother-in-law (Elizabeth Hurley) moves in with him and his wife (Hannah Simone) to help them raise their toddler w...
Free Essay: With a platinum song and gold albums under his belt, with a rich resume in the acting and comedy world in his arsenal, Donald Glover is one of...
The multi-talentedDonald Glover(a.k.a. Childish Gambino) — already an established artist, actor, writer, director and comedian — continues his foray into the sneaker industry via a new collaboration with New Balance. The Atlanta native helped unveil New Balance’s latest sneaker, the RC30, o...
The hottest rising star right now: Donald Glover. While his historic 2017 Emmy wins and 2018 viral hit "This Is America" brought him mainstream ...
Even thoughAtlantawon’t be making its way back on television until 2018,Donald Gloveris keeping himself busy with other projects. After appearing inSpider-Man: Homecomingearlier this month, Glover has already found himself fully entrenched in his role as Lando Calrissian for the forthcomingHan Sol...
Donald Glover At Madison Square Garden over the weekend, Glover performed tracks from his projectsBecause The InternetandAwaken, My Love.He also debuted some new music, an R&B track titled “Spirits.” During the show, Gambino wanted fans to live in the moment and not on their cell phones...
Donald Glover and the Final Five played the new "Hungry Hungry Humans" on Tuesday night.
Watch Billie Eilish's Acting Debut in Sneak Peek of EP Donald Glover's 'Swarm' 3:43 PM PDT, Thu Mar 16, 2023 Billie Eilish makes her acting debut in ‘Swarm.’ The GRAMMY winner's scenes were released as part of a sneak peek of the Prime Video series. Dominiqu...
Donald Glover has been involved in some pretty amazing projects, but asked where his new filmGuava Islandfalls on the list of his favorites, the rapper/actor/director said the answer is clear. “I’m really humbled having the opportunity to present something this timely and timeless,” ...