Government suffers series of defeats on planned tax hike in the House of Lords While we have spent most of the day talking about defence spending, the House of Lords has spent much of the late afternoon and evening debating the government's legislation to increase employers...
Jenni Russell, ‘On the Campaign Trail with David Cameron’,The Times Magazine, 18 June 2016. 9. Theresa May, 16 December 2015, House of Commons Home Affairs Committee evidence session. 10. What there is beyond journalism tends to yoke the countries rather than the persons. Parliamentary and ...
Agnew Armstrong Arthur Baillie Barclay Bell Blair Borthwick Boyd Brodie Broun Bruce Buchanan Burnett Cameron Campbell Carmichael Chattan Cochrane Colquhoun Crawford Crichton Cumming Cunningham Currie Davidson Dewar Doig Donald Donnachaidh Douglas Dunbar Duncan Durie Eliott Erskine Farquharson Fergusson Forbes Fras...