In 1987, Donald was the focus of Down and Out with Donald Duck, a television special in which he was fired from Disney due to his unstable temper. That same year, DuckTales premiered on television, on which Donald was an occasional guest star, despite the series starring his three nephews...
唐老鸭(Donald Duck),全称:唐纳德·方特罗伊·达克(英文名称:"Don"Donald Fauntleroy Duck)是迪士尼所创的经典卡通明星之一,官方生日是1934年6月9日,首次出现在《聪明的小母鸡》里。他有橙黄色的嘴、脚和蹼,身上穿的是方特罗伊水手装,但没有穿裤子。唐老鸭现在的形象是被誉为“唐老鸭之父”的卡尔·巴克斯...