W- "West..." NE- "Northeast!" SE- "Southeast!" NW- "Northwest!" SW- "Southwest!" Compass (generic)- "Can't get a reading." Bundling Wrap- "We could hide some gross things, I guess." Bundled Supplies- "Now I can burn a bunch of things in one go!" Reign of Giants[] Insula...
W- "West." NE- "Northeast." SE- "Southeast." NW- "Northwest." SW- "Southwest." Compass (generic)- "I've lost my way." Bundling Wrap- "I guess we could wrap a few things up." Bundled Supplies- "Nice and snug." Reign of Giants Insulated Pack- "Its contents are hibernating." ...
This page lists Wickerbottom's Quotes which are spoken when the player examines an in-game item or object, or when the world under goes a certain event, such as Hound attacks or Earthquakes. The player can alt-click items and objects to examine them. Axe