円えんcircle (or Japanese Yen) 形かたちshape 点てんpoint 半径はんけいradius 直径ちょっけいdiameter 赤いあかいred 青いあおいblue 線せんline まん中まんなかmiddle 中心ちゅうしんcenter 長さながさlength 2倍2ばいdouble Now, let’s have a look at the white board in English: ...
We were looking for a good Japanese restaurant for ramen noodle. Found this place on Yelp. The setting is tranquil and nice. The menu is traditional and country style, meaning not your typical sashimi and roll kind of place. The ramen noodle is just average, but the ...
a revered Japanese Buddhist monk who founded the Shingon sect of Buddhism. Kobo Daishi is a significant figure in Japanese history, known for bringing back wisdom and cultural practices from the Tang Dynasty to Japan. His teachings and the spiritual practices he established, such as the famous 8...
In Japan, arigato is asimple way of saying “thank you”among familiars or peers. Politeness is highly valued in Japanese culture, so be mindful that there are more formal ways to say “thank you” to superiors or elders (e.g., arigato gozaimasu, which is a more polite way of saying ...
used "everywhere" in Japan as "thanks." I've also read someone's opinion that "Domo" in this case means "ferocious," but the Random House Japanese/English dictionary doesn't support this at all (the "domo" meaning "ferocious" has two long "o"s, the "domo" in Domokun only has ...
domo starred in funny, stop-motion shorts to promote nhk and quickly became a japanese cultural icon and kitschy-store staple. (there are over 600 domo products sold worldwide.) this fall, domo will make his u.s. broadcast debut on nicktoons network , in a series of 26 two-minute ...
Emoji were created in the late 1990s by a Japanese communications company, arrived in a standard keyboard to iOS 5 in 2011, and in 2017, over six billion emoji are sent out through smartphones every day. Susan Herring, a professor of information science and linguistics at Indiana University,...
5Partially in response to the Fukushima disaster the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) set up a challenge competition for robots to operate in disaster areas. Japanese teams were entered in this competition; the first time there had been significant interaction between Japanese robo...
We were looking for a good Japanese restaurant for ramen noodle. Found this place on Yelp.The setting is tranquil and nice. The menu is traditional and country style, meaning not your typical sashimi and roll kind of place. The ramen noodle is just average, but the seve...
We were looking for a good Japanese restaurant for ramen noodle. Found this place on Yelp.The setting is tranquil and nice. The menu is traditional and country style, meaning not your typical sashimi and roll kind of place. The ramen noodle is just average, but the s...