Welcome to illwiki! Welcome to illwiki, a community-run wiki for the game Dominions 5 by Illwinter. Home of the most unbiased nation guides since 2020. * Detailed New Player Guide * Dominions 6 Wiki * Newcomer's Community Guide * Prete
Each school of magic has it's own site search spell, detailed in the table below. All of these spells search as Level 9, and are guaranteed to find sites of the associated magic type if they exist in the province. The downsides are that a mage can only cast one per month, require a...
Loggy's Misc reverse engineering notes (gray items have already been incorporated into proper wiki pages) * Hell power is 20% + 2% per mark to spawn a horror. It spawns in a random square in a 5x5 grid around you * CATEGORY Check to Win Things:
https://dominions-4.fandom.com/wiki/Wish]https://dominions-4.fandom.com/wiki/Wish dominions系列中变化9级有一个非常强大的法术许愿术(Wish)。它能够根据你输入的关键词给予一些相应的内容。那么它能够接受的关键词都有哪些呢?让我们来盘点一下:
了3代,借游戏专题wiki页的计数器达到新的点击大关外加新版补丁的双重理由,干脆重 新翻修一篇3代的入门文,算是另一个全新标准的开始。 引用一句外国杂志编辑对昔日2代的评论:“在这里(指杂志版面)描述这个游戏是极不理 智的,但请相信我,当你最终决心买下它后,你会几乎有无穷无尽的话题来和爱好者讨论”。 这里...
另外,推荐去神域(Dominions)的wiki看看dominions.eastgame.org/Dominions/Description.html以及国内的唯一一个Dominions3的专题版,汉化工作也是他们在展开中(需要在eastgame有账号登录后才可访问)pw.eastgame.org:8088/thread.php?fid=483 11楼2011-06-17 13:35 回复 粗鲁猴子 子爵 9 早就盯上这游戏了……...