基于邻域粗糙集与KNN的网络入侵检测 Network Intrusion Detection Based on Neighborhood Rough Set and KNN 热度: Dominance-based rough set approach An application case study for setting speed limits for vehicles in speed controlled zones 热度: 基于优势关系的粗糙集应用研究 热度: 相关推荐 Dominance-...
Dominance-based Rough Approach (DRSA) has been proposed as a machine learning and knowledge discovery methodology to handle Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA). Due to its capacity of asking the decision maker (DM) for simple preference information and supplying easily understandable and ...
Dominance-based Rough Set Approach toReasoning about Ordinal Data - a TutorialRoman S lowi´ nskiInstitute of Computing Science, Pozna´ n University of Technology,60-965 Pozna´ n, and Systems Research Institute,Polish Academy of Sciences, 01-447 Warsaw, Polandroman. slowinski@cs. put. p...
1)dominance-based rough set优势关系粗糙集 1.A dominance-based rough set approach is proposed to discover the rules between main factors and main types in the problem of air-attack weapons identification.提出了一种基于优势关系粗糙集的方法来抽取空袭兵器识别的主要因素与主要类型之间规则。 英文短句/例...
Immunodominance-based Clonal Network Clustering Algorithm for Intrusion Detection基于免疫优势克隆网络聚类的入侵检测According to the idea of intelligent complementary fusion, a combination of immunodominance, inverse operation, clonal selection, non-uniform mutation and forbidden clone was employed in a novel...
Loshchilov I, Schoenauer M, Sebag M (2010) Dominance-based pareto-surrogate for multi- objective optimization. In: Deb K, Bhattacharya A, Chakraborti N, Chakroborty P, Das S, Dutta J, Gupta SK, Jain A, Aggarwal V, Branke J, Louis SJ, Tan KC (eds) Simulated evolution and learning...
(2016). Dominance-based rough set approach for group decisions. European Journal of Operational Research, 251(1), 206-224.S. Chakhar, A. Ishizaka, A. Labib, I. Saad, Dominance-based rough set approach for group decisions, European Journal of Operational Research, 251 (2016) 206-224....
Structure-based attribute reduction in variable precision rough set models Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 10 (5) (2006), pp. 657-665 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [6] M. Inuiguchi, Y. Yoshioka, Several reducts in dominance-based rough set approa...
Dominance-based rough set introduced by Greco et al.is an extension of Pawlak's classical rough set theory by using dominance relations in place of equivalence relations for approximating sets of preference ordered decision classes satisfying upward and downward union properties.This paper introduces a...
Dominance-based rough set introduced by Greco et al. is an extension of Pawlak’s classical rough set theory by using dominance relations in place of equivalence relations for approximating sets of preference ordered decision classes satisfying upward and downward union properties. This paper introduces...