This package can be used for dominance analysis or Shapley Value Regression for finding relative importance of predictors on given dataset. This library can be used for key driver analysis or marginal resource allocation models. - dominance-analysis/domi
This package can be used for dominance analysis or Shapley Value Regression for finding relative importance of predictors on given dataset. This library can be used for key driver analysis or marginal resource allocation models. feature-selectionlogistic-regressionfeature-engineeringregression-modelspredictor...
Miller, B. K., Konopaske, R., & Byrne, Z. S. (2012). Dominance Analysis of Two Measures of Organizational Justice. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 27(3), 264 - 282.Miller, B. K., Konopaske, R., & Byrne, Z. S. ( 2011). Dominance analysis of two measures of organizational ...
Graphics and data analysis occurred in R v.3.3.1 in Rstudio v.1.0.136 with the ggplot2 package v.2.2.1. For each estimate of inversion frequency, the s.e.m. was calculated with P equal to the frequency of the inversion in the sampled population and n equalling the number of ...
O.macrolepis: S. sinensis v. Sc. acanthopterus: Tandem duplicate identification and analysis Tandem duplicated genes were identified using SynMAP144 as described above with the tandem duplication setting set to 10. Results ...
defined with latent semantic analysis, items were better recalled without noticeable impact on their order. However, contrary to Ishiguro and Saito’s predictions, when similarity was defined with valence, arousal and dominance, no effect emerged....
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Differential expression analysis of two groups were performed using the DESeq2 R package. p values were adjusted according to Benjamin and Hochberg’s approach from controlling the false discovery rate (FDR), and genes with an adjusted p value < 0.05 were presented as significantly upregulated or...
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Dominance-Analysis : A Python Library for Accurate and Intuitive Relative Importance of Predictors This package is designed to determine relative importance of predictors for both regression and classification models. The determination of relative importance depends on how one defines importance; Budescu (...