DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' 是一个在 Web 开发中常见的错误,表明在尝试使用 querySelectorAll 方法时发生了问题。querySelectorAll 是一个 DOM 方法,用于返回文档中匹配指定 CSS 选择器的所有元素的一个静态(不会随文档更新而自动更新) NodeList 集合。当此方法无法正确执行时,就会抛出此...
看起来你在使用jQuery 1.9.1版本时在谷歌浏览器中遇到了一个DOMException错误,该错误发生在尝试执行'querySelectorAll'操作时。这个问题可能和浏览器的DOM API的实现有关。 DOMException通常在DOM操作失败时抛出,例如尝试访问不存在的元素,或者尝试执行不被支持的DOM操作。在这个具体情况下,问题可能出在jQuery 1.9.1和...
I confirm that this is an issue rather than a question. Bug report Steps to reproduce open this link in Chrome , and refresh the page: you will get What...
When running next dev, I occasionally enter a state where HMR keeps reloading and outputting DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Element': error. Once it enters that state, even a hard refresh won't be able to resolve it. Even when opening the window from a new browser...
运行以上程序,在右侧第二个窗口中执行了 /error 路由,因为没有定义 a 这个对象,则会引发错误。
after upgrade from to, some page's occurs error: Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document', please see the attachment error snapshots. issue1.jpgissue2.jpgissue3.jpg Comments(2) Hello,
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute'drawImage'on'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The image argumentisa canvas element with a width or height of0, 具体的原因: 报错大概是在绘制图形时画布大小为0,检查之后发现该图给了宽高,而且迁徙图也是被绘制出来的,然后我试了下把写在css样式文件中的宽高设置给在了行...
const container = document.querySelector("#document-container"); function renderDocx(file) { currentDocument = file; if (!currentDocument) return; docx.renderAsync(currentDocument, container, null, docxOptions) .then((x) => { renderThumbnails(container, document.querySelector("#thumbnails-...
I am using jquery's latest version jQuery v2.1.3 in my application. And i am getting this exception. DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Element': '*,:x' is not a valid selector. Due to which my other functionalities are not working. And when i recorded this excep...