Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior in a relationship used to gain power and control over an intimate partner. Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional/verbal, economic, threats or other psychological actions to frighten, intimidate, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame or injure,...
In subject area: Social Sciences Domestic consumption refers to the active practice of using consumer goods within homes to create meanings, values, and identities, as well as to establish relationships. It involves the selection and utilization of goods to shape the concept of home and to negotia...
The Monroe Police Department says that a woman and man were both arrested for a domestic violence call, but the woman, after bonding out, says she was threatened with accusations the man had killed two of her dogs according toKTVE/KARD. The Monroe Police Department began investigating the all...
Current research (Dutton, 1988, 1995; Hastings & Hamberger, 1988) indicates that a substantial percentage of perpetrators have psychological deficits and could benefit from psychotherapeutic interventions along with psychoeducational and resocialization approaches. Although the problem of domest...
Given the background of urbanization and large-scale domestic migration, crimes are easily attributed to a new immigrant population. Shelley (1981) considers that the popular way of settling disputes in rural areas through violence easily leads to more crimes with the stimulation of an urban ...
It is estimated that 25% of children in the United Kingdom (UK) have been exposed to violence between adults in their home before the age of 18; of these percentage, 6% have witnessed severe DV, namely when the violence involved a high risk of significant harm or death (Radford et al....
It becomes even more relevant for countries in the East. South East Asia (38 %), and Africa (37 %) had higher regional prevalence rates of violence against women than other regions such as America (30 %) and Europe (25 %) [3]. In a meta-analysis conducted by Hajnasiri et al. (20...
reluctance to participate in the resolution of family conflicts; a serious illness and its consequences in one of the spouses, the spread of the cult of violence through television, the Internet; bad upbringing or its absence, a disappointing example of parents, in families where domestic crime ...
Results: The percentage of biweekly dispatches to medical facilities for domestic violence offenses did not increase in response to the law (β=–.0072, P=.095). Total domestic violence dispatches increased significantly after the Simpson/Goldman murders but not after passage of the law (β=82.7...
Moreover, Security apparatus in terms of violence (terrorism) internal and external, Fractionalization Elite in terms of ethnic, tribal and religious conflicts (Sadan, 2013 & Muller, 2017) have insignificantly impacted on Militarization. However, higher-income countries have not been strongly impacted ...