Most domestic violence shelters are for intimate partners, and, for example, offer no help to a mother whose son or daughter beats her. Advice commonly given to victims of domestic violence simply doesn’t work. Take for example the following from the online article, “What to Do if You Ar...
State Court Processing of Domestic Violence Cases. Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Statistics.Smith, E., Durose, M. R., & Langan, P. A. (2008). Bureau of Justice Statistics special report: State court processing of domestic violence cases. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, ...
Research on domestic violence (DV) sentencing, post-conviction, has mostly focused on incarceration and re-education programs, ignoring more than a dozen other components of the criminal sentence. The 关键词: Domestic violence Sentencing Police Age Recidivism DOI: 10.1186/2193-7680-2-9 被引量:...
Judges have increased the granting of civil restraining orders, and some jurisdictions have created separate courts that deal exclusively with domestic violence cases. Probation is most commonly used to force offender participation in treatment programs. Typically, a sentence of incarceration will be ...
In addition to the risk of homicide faced by children living with domestic violence, children can also face the profound repercussions of domestic homicide through facing the traumatic loss of their parents by death and/or incarceration (Alisic et al., 2017). These dangers underline the need for...
SaezBetancourt, Alicia
Studies indicate that as many as 30%–56% of incarcerated men have perpetrated domestic violence, and that factors related to domestic violence perpetration are associated with long-term recidivism after release. The current study evaluates the effectiveness of an in-prison domestic violence treatment ...
Coker D and Macquoid A (2015) Why opposing hyper‐incarceration should be central to the work of the anti‐domestic violence movement. University of Miami Race and Social Justice Law Review 5(2): 585‐618.Coker, D., & Mcquoid, A. D. (2015). Why opposing hyper-incarceration should ...
Coker D and Macquoid A (2015) Why opposing hyper‐incarceration should be central to the work of the anti‐domestic violence movement. University of Miami Race and Social Justice Law Review 5(2): 585‐618.Coker, D., & Mcquoid, A. D. (2015). Why opposing hyper-incarceration should ...
142). Doubt is a way to control narratives of sexual violence by registering the accuser as a person unworthy of trust and forcing them under public scrutiny, while men receive “himpathy”. Such public scrutiny, Cynthia A. Stark remarks, formulates an act of ‘misogynistic gaslighting’, ...