Read about domestic violence definition, resources, and statistics. Learn domestic violence and intimate partner abuse types (physical, emotional, sexual), laws, information, shelters, statistics, facts, and effects on children.
Domestic Violence in Facts and TheoryČírtková,LudmilaGender Equal Opportunities Research
Domestic violence is a social and legal concept that, in the broadest sense, refers to any abuse—including physical, emotional, sexual, or financial—between intimate partners, often living in the same household.
Domestic violence can occur in any home and has become a major focus of law enforcement in recent decades and since the passage of landmark legislation in 1993. While defining the term, explore the history, causes, and facts about domestic violence, including the impact of the attention placed...
Read about types of domestic violence facts, causes, statistics, effects on children, signs, symptoms, history, shelters, and drug and alcohol abuse.
Below are some very sobering statistics and facts on the troubling issue of partner violence and its impact on the individual and workforce. What can you as an employer do and where should you start? At the bottom of this article you will find a link to the “six steps”...
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE For the past few decades, domestic violence has increasingly been identified as a workplace concern because it is well-documented and the prevalence of violence, particularly against women, has been widely established (Statistics Canada, 2007). It is the duty of a workplace to ...
There is so much, that you really should know about domestic violence… besides the fact that it is a serious, widespread social problem in America today. Here are some other facts: At least fifty percent of the men who frequently assaulted their wives also frequently abused their children. ...
Domestic abuse can come in many forms, either as a one- off incident or recurrent in a person’s life. In any case, victims are left traumatised and feel unsafe in their own homes. Around 1 in 5 adults from the age of 16 have been affected by domestic violence in their lifetime. Th...
According to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, intimate partner violence includes victimization by current and former spouses or current and former dating partners. Violence can include physical, sexual, emotional and economic abuse, according to the Department of Justice’sOffice on Violence...