Under Florida’s divorce laws, men and women are treated as equals and if domestic violence can be established against either spouse the court is likely to award more alimony, child support and custody privileges to the abused spouse along with exclusive use and possession of the marital home ...
The alleged victim's name is redacted in the arrest report, and CBS News Colorado does not identify victims or alleged victims of domestic violence. The alleged victim didn't answer the door the night of the alleged attack, but the next day, she told Lakewood officers that Moore "would b...
DO NOT enter a plea toDomestic Violenceat the first arraignment court date. By entering a plea, you subject yourself to having a permanent criminal record. Some people falsely believe that if you plead no contest and receive a “withhold of adjudication” that is a good result because it is...
This is known as “prefiling intervention,” and it might be possible to avoid the formal filing of criminal charges. It should be noted here that it simply doesn't matter if the alleged victim wants to drop the case. Court Arraignment for a Domestic Violence Case In a domestic case, th...
National Domestic Violence Resources. Listings of and links to articles, agencies, organizations and websites to find help and information concerning domestic violence, elder abuse and abuse against disabled persons.
Many aggressive prosecutors in Florida seek jail sentences and long probation sentences for even first time Domestic Violence Battery offenders. This happens many times even where the battery charge is the defendant’s first ever criminal charge. Whether jail is sought will depend on a number of fa...
“I think police officers are put in a very difficult position when it comes to domestic violence,” says Abbie Tuller, who ran a domestic violence shelter in New York City for years before pursuing a PhD at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York, whe...
Domestic violence is a social and legal concept that, in the broadest sense, refers to any abuse—including physical, emotional, sexual, or financial—between intimate partners, often living in the same household.
Domestic violence can occur in any home and has become a major focus of law enforcement in recent decades and since the passage of landmark...