Find out how you can get involved with the Harbor House of Central Florida, and join us to end domestic abuse.
In the areas of north Florida served by Refuge House, we counted… 2,065 acts of domestic violence in fiscal year 2016/2017 – that’s more than one incident every two hours. You did not cause this or deserve to be treated abusively. Your partner may have accused you of “making” the...
Violence by intimate partners. In E Krug, L Dahlberg, J Mercy, et al. (2003). Violent childhoodexperiences and the risk of intimate partner violence in adults: Assessment in a large healthmaintenance organization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18(2), 166–185.N Evans...
Researching stats about violence against men in relationships we found that a University of Florida study recently found women are more likely than men to "stalk, attack and abuse" their partners. Another recent study in theJournal of Family Violencefound many male callers to a national hotline ...
Under Florida law, Domestic Violence Battery by Strangulation is defined underSection 784.041, Florida Statutes. A Domestic Violence Battery by Strangulation arrest or charge on your record can be extremely disruptive to your life. You could be ordered to stay away from your own home, stay away ...
Courts Domestic Violence Counselors conduct outreach and provide assistance to individuals experiencing domestic violence. Specific duties include providing crisis intervention, safety planning, and short term counseling, conducting weekly support groups for victims as well as advocating on their behalf with ...
arrest. In addition, the State Attorney’s Office in Florida is equipped with paid “victim advocates.” And it is their job to advocate against spousal abuse and facilitate the prosecution of domestic violence crimes. So as you can see, the prosecution has more than enough resources to go ...
Aging women in abusive relationships experience the triple threat of being a woman, being an older woman, and being an older woman who is, or has, experienced domestic violence (Penhale, 2014). In an ageist society, a woman may find herself trapped in a difficult and dangerous situation of...
Approximately 1 in 3 women and one in 10 men 18 years of age or older experience domestic violence. Annually, domestic violence is responsible for over 1500 deaths in the United States and as many as 200 deaths in Florida. In Florida, more than one in three women and one in four men ...
Portraying the violence as mutual or consensual. Depicting the abuse as part of sadomasochistic (S/M) activity.While domestic violence within the gay community may be as prevalent as that of opposite-sex couples, it is not as consistently addressed with intervention by police, the courts, emer...