Posting harmful info on the internet is a misdemeanor whose penalties include a jail sentence of one year and a maximum fine of $1,000. Additional Penalties for Domestic Violence Offenses A conviction of neglect, battery, abuse, or threats usually attracts more than fines and incarceration. ...
Domestic violence charges have serious consequences that can lead to loss of access to your family, including your children, and being forced to move out of your family home due to a protective order. You can also face fines and jail time, and you will be unable to purchase, own, or po...
4.) Domestic violence is not discipline. And this was domestic violence. And I find it hard to believe that a man who will beat the shit out of his own daughter, who feels biblically justified in doing so, wouldn’t beat the shit out of her mother, too. Not levying any accusations ...
An indictment that carries a 5-year jail sentence A conditional sentence (house arrest) A summary conviction with a $5,000 fine or a 6-month custodial sentence Restrictive probation conditions Many courthouses in the Greater Toronto Area have the Integrated Domestic Violence Court. These are court...