At present, in additiontodomestic businessinthe PRC, the Group has expanded its customer base to the United States of America (“USA”), Europe, Japan and Middle East region. 目前,除中國本地業務 外,本集團之客戶基礎已擴展至美利堅合眾國(「美國」)、歐洲、日本及...
“For me, the agency should say what is really going on here, they should not just fancy us about what Europe is, […] they should warn us to be careful with our own selves, especially with the old men, or if we are alone in our room, not to trust anyone or something like this...
In the last decades of the 19th century and up to WWI, several peripheral economies experienced a real economic boom related to the industrial development in Western Europe and the US. The "core" of the world economy required low-priced natural resources from the new settlements and the ...