Nicole Jacobs, the Domestic Abuse Commissioner for England and Wales, said: "Too often, victims and survivors are expected to keep themselves safe from tech abuse, rather than tech companies taking steps to prevent harm. "While the government has made good progress on ...
J…Warrington, C. (2013). “It’s wrong…but you get used to it”: A qualitative study of gang-associated sexual violence towards, and exploitation of, young people in England. Retrieved from
For example, the Domestic Abuse Act, 2021, applicable to England and non-devolved areas in Wales, introduced the first cross-party statutory definition of DA for England and Wales as: A single incident or course of conduct between those who are aged 16 years or over who are, or have been...
New Initiative Can Help with the Campaign to End Domestic AbuseDOMESTIC violence affects us all. It is estimated that one infour women will experience domestic...Tony Lloyd PoliceCommissioner