(2004). Factor analysis of the Greek WISC-III: Domains of cognitive development. Psychology, 11, 422-443. Graniel, M. L., & O' Donnell, L. (1991). Children's WISC-III scores: Impact of parent education and home environment. San Antonio: The Psychological Corporation....
The next category of difficulty is related to the comprehension and application levels (Krathwohl et al., 1973) of cognitive processing. As is true in many disciplines some concepts are intrinsically difficult to grasp (see supporting data in Appendix A). A common characteristic of such concepts ...
Categories of learning process are proposed and described, as follows: motor skills, verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, attitudes. Research evidence on school learning suggests that generalizations about critical learning conditions and outcomes can be validly made within these ca...
aCognitive and affective domains are key components of how attitudes are formed. This attitudinal link between the cognitive and affective domains has the potential to impact student learning. Advocates of the two-component construct of attitude contend that the affective component measures the degree ...
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to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia (MATRICS) New Approaches Conference, a discussion group focused on directions for future research that are critical to enhancing our understanding of the distinctions among key cognitive domains that have relevance for the development of cognition-enhancing interventions...
taking into consideration the 'local realism of constraints' within which every science teacher performs.The development of feasible methods for measurement of curricular outcomes in the affective and affective‐cognitive domains is a precondition for future summative evaluation of socio‐technologically orien...
Laurence FiddickMax Planck Institute for Human DevelopmentThe Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section ADomains of deontic reasoning:Resolving the discrepancy between the cognitive and moral reasoning literatures. Fiddick L. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology . 2004...
In recent decades, the senior adults population worldwide has increased, as well as the medical conditions related to aging, such as cognitive decline. Vir
Towards a Measure of Function for Home and Community Care Services In Australia Part 1 - Development of a Standard National Approach. The review covered four domains of function (domestic or instrumental, self-care, challenging behaviour, and cognitive) and recommended an instrument for ... Eagar...