Bloom's Taxonomy was created under the leadership of Benjamin Bloom in order to promote higher forms of thinking in learning and education, such as analyzing and evaluating, rather than just remembering facts.
com/˜donclark/hrd/bloom.htmlBloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains," 5 June 1999. [Online]. Available: http:// [Accessed 1 May 2013].Clark, D. (1999, June). Learning domains or Bloom's taxonomy: The three types of learning. Retrieved ...
Bloom's (and his colleagues') initial attention was focused on the'Cognitive Domain', which was the first published part of Bloom's Taxonomy, featured in the publication: 'Taxonomy Of Educational Objectives: Handbook 1, The Cognitive Domain' (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, Krathwohl, 1956). ...
Bloom's taxonomy - learning domains, 2009. Accessed: September 2015.Chapman, A. (2006) Bloom's taxonomy - learning domains. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 March 2009].Clark, D. (2009). Bloom's taxonomy of learning ...
In Bloom's taxonomy, learning in the cognitive domain is categorized from simple to complex behaviors. Specifically, knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation are the behaviors that are typically mastered sequentially due to the nature of their increasing difficulty. ...
Algerian EFL baccalaureate examBloom’s taxonomycognitive domainspractical examThe Algerian English foreign language (EFL) baccalaureate is a high stake exam that assesses both students' learning and their critical thinking skills. Thus, dMerieme Belarbi, FatineBensafa, Abdelkader...
For example, massive volumes of textbooks make it time-consuming for faculties to annotate good-quality questions, keeping them manually well balanced. Thus, teachers rely on the Bloom's taxonomy's cognitive domain, a popular framework to assess students' intellectual abilities. This study's ...
The study was on survey of teachers' challenges of assessing domains of educational objectives and bloom's taxonomy levels in social studies in Benue State. TheAchor, Emmanuel EdojaAjayi, Victor OluwatosinIkwu, Alhassan GabrielOnyeche, Ene Ijobu...
A. Chapman: Benjamin Bloom's taxonomy of learning domains - cognitive, af- fective, psychomotor domains - design and evaluation toolkit for training and learning. 2005, Retrieved October 14, 2009 from bloomstaxonomyoflearningdomains.htm\#bloom's...
Bloom, B