香桐(Domaine Chandon)酒庄位于美国加州Napa Valley葡萄酒产区。酒庄是Napa Valley地区规模最大、名气最大的酒庄,也是美国第一个拥有法国血统,隶属于世界奢侈品集团LVMH旗下的起泡酒品牌。酒庄内有米其林推荐餐厅etoile(法文“星星”),也是全美10大最浪漫餐厅之一。香桐酒庄给游人的第一感觉完全是个公园,郁郁葱葱,环境...
香桐酒庄 Domaine Chandon 分享 酒名:年份:种类:不限红葡萄酒白葡萄酒桃红葡萄酒起泡酒冰酒加强型酒白兰地其他类型 首页上一页1下一页末页 关于我们|约稿启事|网站导航|刊登广告|服务项目|联系我们|法律声明|建议投诉|网站帮助|友情链接
MAP Architecture & Planning (MAP) has delivered the master plan, architecture and interiors for China’s first winery dedicated to the production of premium sparkling wine in the Ningxia Hui region. The project comprised developing the winery’s master plan along with the architecture and interior ...
DOMAINE CHANDON 酒庄~坐落在美丽的亚拉河谷地区,出品久负盛名的气泡葡萄酒,到道门酒庄旅游主要有4项内容,1,欣赏亚拉河谷和葡萄园的美景,2,参观葡萄酒的制作和窖藏过程,3,品尝葡萄酒,4,品尝美味午餐佳肴。酒庄距离墨尔本开车大约1个小时左右,导航很容易找到,参观和品尝及午餐过程大约3个小时左右,对葡萄酒我真的没有...
Sommeliers will call this a restaurant wine because it supports food rather than dominating it. It’s bone dry, crisp in acidity and silky, with subtle cherry, tobacco, cola and sandalwood flavors. Drink now as an interesting switch on Pinot Noir. ——S.H.(10/1/2011)—— 89 ...
A sparkling wine pioneer in Australia, Chandon Australia subtly blends traditional French savoir-faire and Australian terroir – LVMH
A sparkling wine pioneer in Australia, Chandon Australia subtly blends traditional French savoir-faire and Australian terroir – LVMH
Finca Sophenia, Budeguer Winery, Familia Blanco, Finca Adelma, Atamisque, Salentein, Gimenez Riili, Monteviejo, Enzo Bianchi, La Azul und Domaine Bousquet sind nur einige Beispiele für potenzielle Weingüter, die Sie besuchen können. Teilen Sie uns einfach Ihre Wahl für große oder ...
Domaine Chandon, the first French-owned California sparkling wine cellar Domaine Chandon is a French-owned wine producer in Napa Valley. Its Michelin-starred restaurant, 茅toile, is the only fine-dining restaurant within a winery in the Wine Country. With a seasonal menu created to showcase Doma...