int main(){ float f, g, h, r, l, c=0.01;printf("enter value of r, l: ");scanf("%lf %lf", &r, &l); /*输入r l的值*/ while(c<=0.1){ f=sqrt(1/(l*c)-r*r/(4*c*c)); /*求频率*/ printf("%f %f %f %f\n", r, l, c, f);c=...
你的ab,bc,cd,da定义为实型 运算y=sqrt(x)的时候x是整型 y也变成整型 所以要强制类型转换哦 在前面加个float即可 如:y=(float)sqrt(x)include<math.h> main(){ int oa,ob,oc,od,ac,bd;float ab,bc,cd,da;scanf("%d,%d,%d,%d",&oa,&ob,&oc,&od);ab=(float)sqrt(o...
数学函数异常:log: DOMAIN error 这是cmath 或 math.h 里面的数学函数无法正常计算引起的,例如 domain error 定义域错误,就是函数的参数值超过了函数能够处理的范围,例如 log 函数无法计算 0 和负数的对数值,计算 log(-1.0) 的值就会弹出前面截图的对话框。 如果程序里面有大量的计算,不可能每一个函数计算的时...
fortran知识 | 代码错误(domain error) 如图所示,提示为:domain error 这表示数学函数错误,如超出数学函数的定义域,负数开平方,分母为0等等;也有可能是浮点数错误,比如sqrt(4),因为4是整型。 该错误属于运行时错误,需要Debug来发现问题所在。
domain_error(conststd::string&what_arg); (1) domain_error(constchar*what_arg); (2) domain_error(constdomain_error&other); (3)(noexcept since C++11) 1)Constructs the exception object withwhat_argas explanatory string. After construction,std::strcmp(what(), what_arg.c_str())==0. ...
When you start your domain controller, the screen may go blank, and you may receive the following error message: LSASS.EXE - System Error, security accounts manager initialization failed because of the following error: Directory Services cannot start. Erro...
Error codeExplanationNote 1Exit, successYou still must reboot, this just notes that the automatic restart flag was removed. 2Exit, success, need to reboot 3Exit, success, with a noncritical failureTypically seen when returning the DNS Delegation warning. If not configuring DNS delegation,...
When you try to verify a domain in Microsoft 365, you receive the following error message: Can't verify domain We can't verify the domain because it is associated with another Microsoft hosted service. A domain can be associated with only one service. To use this domain,...
Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999
The following error information is displayed:This is a cross-domain error: The website of the integrator does not allow requests for resources that are not provided by th