如果请求的域完全匹配,则规则匹配。 DOMAIN-SUFFIX:匹配域名后缀 如:DOMAIN-SUFFIX, apple.com, Proxy 如果请求的域匹配后缀,则规则匹配。例如:apple.com可匹配www.apple.com、itunse.apple.com和apple.com DOMAIN-KEYWORD:域名关键词匹配 如:DOMAIN-KEYWORD, apple, Proxy 如果请求的域包含关键字,则规则匹配。例如...
domain-suffix 1.前言 域名后缀是互联网上用于标识不同类型、国家或组织的域名的尾部部分。它们通常由一个点和几个字母组成,如.com、.org、.cn等。域名后缀规则涵盖了一系列标准和约定,用于确定特定域名后缀的合法使用范围和管理方式。 2.国际顶级域名(gTLD) 国际顶级域名是互联网中最高层次的域名分类,它们不受...
该表的索引是hwDomainSuffix。 OID 节点名称 数据类型 最大访问权限 含义 实现规格 hwDomainSuffix DisplayString read-only 域名后缀。 实现与MIB文件定义一致。 创建约束 该表不支持创建。 修改约束 该表不支持修改。
Each domain suffix is intended to define the type ofwebsiterepresented by the domain name. For example, ".com" domains are meant for commercial websites, while non-profit organizations use ".org" domains. Each country also has a unique domain suffix meant for websites within the country. Fo...
Define Domain suffix. Domain suffix synonyms, Domain suffix pronunciation, Domain suffix translation, English dictionary definition of Domain suffix. The final portion of a Uniform Resource Locator , commonly known as a website address. Top-level domains
What is the difference between a domain name and a domain extension? A domain name is the full, unique web address typed into a web browser to reach a website. A domain extension, also called a top-level domain (TLD), is the last part of a domain name, after the final period (some...
Configure the default domain name suffix for APs in the AP group view. Run the system-view command to enter the system view. Run the wlan command to enter the WLAN view. Run the ap-group name group-name command to enter the AP group view. Run the ip domain-name domain-...
调用QueryDomainSuffix高级搜索后缀列表。 调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。 授权信息 下表是API对应的授权信息,可以在RAM权限策略语句的Action元素中使用,用来给RAM用户或RAM角色授予调用此API的权限。具体说明如下: ...