不同点:Domain着重表现数据的技术属性,比如是CHAR的还是数字的啊, 长度是多少啊.而Datatelement着重表述数据的语义属性,比如这个类型的名字描述,并且这个描述可以被翻译成躲过语言,便于理解. 其实Dataelement也有数据的技术属性,不过都是继承自与之相关的Domain的.再有就是Domain在写ABAP程序的时候不能直接...
思路就是SAP的表其实也是存在表里的:),所以可以通过检索存放字段的表来查询。 1,DD03M - Da...查看全文 相关企业信息 公司名称:阿里云计算有限公司 法人代表:郑俊芳 注册资本:5000万人民币 成立时间:2008-04-08 公司类型:其他有限责任公司 经营状态:存续 注册地址: 浙江省杭州市西湖区三墩镇灯彩街1008号云谷...
今天在做需求的时候,修改一个自建表中的字段,原长度是50,修改为255,此字段并不是主键,修改成功后发现,想把255长度修改为50时透明表会报错无法激活,使用SE14调整数据库结构后可正常激活。 也就是说非主键字段长度增加操作数据库可以自动完成调整,但长度减少需要手动调整数据库结构才能成功激活透明表。 (还有要注意修...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Hi , We have one z table which is moved to the subsequent clients(Development-Quality-Prouction) While the transports request are moved they few of the data element and domain shows partly active. Which ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, Dataelement tells semantic attributes of a field. it contains: domain/built in type, predifined type field lable, Domain tells technical attributes of a field. in this we can set fixed values, value range,value table and we can set ouput length also...
Item Category - Data Element and Domain - PSTYP (internal display )vs EPSTP (external display) Go to solution Former Member 2013 Dec 21 5:35 AM 0 Kudos 10,902 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, Was hoping I could get some insight on the data elements of PSTYP ...
ElementHost Id elementu ElementSeparator Elipsa Tři tečky EmailAddressEditor EmailAddressViewer EmbeddedFont EmptyBucket EmptyContainer EnableAllBreakpointDependents EnableAllBreakpoints EnableAllBreakpointsRedGroup EnableCode EncapsulateField EndCall Koncový bod EndpointComponent Entity EntityContainer Databáze...
(1) Create an ABAP domain named ZORDER_STATUS_DOMAIN containing status list as displayed in previous screenshot. Then create an ABAP data element based on this domain. Create one header database table as root, and another database table as item. ...
(1) Create an ABAP domain named ZORDER_STATUS_DOMAIN containing status list as displayed in previous screenshot. Then create an ABAP data element based on this domain. Create one header database table as root, and another database table as item. ...
AccountData - Windows 10 hardware dev DoTraceMessage - Windows 10 hardware dev Event Tracing Functions for Kernel Mode Providers - Windows 10 hardware dev DeviceElement - Windows 10 hardware dev Enabled - Windows 10 hardware dev FeedKey - Windows 10 hardware dev Gadget5 - Windows 10 hardware de...