Can we train a molecule generator that can generate 3D molecules from a new domain, circumventing the need to collect data? This problem can be cast as the problem of domain adaptive molecule generation. This work presents a novel and principled diffusion-based approach, called GADM, that allow...
Carlenzoli, C., Quarteroni, A.: Adaptive domain decomposition methods for advection-diffusion problems. Modeling, mesh generation, and adaptive numerical methods for partial differential equations (Eds. I. Babuska, et al) IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications 75. Springer-Verlag (1995) ...
本文提出了DANE(Domain Adaptive Network Embedding),一种无监督网络嵌入框架:通过GCN(graph convolutional network)和对抗学习(adversarial learning)来解决嵌入空间漂移和分布偏移。 为使GCN保持跨网络节点对(cross-network node pairs)的结构相似性,我们采用了共享权重体系结构,这意味着GCN通过共享的可学习参数向量映射源...
semi-supervised-learningmedical-image-segmentationunsupervised-domain-adaptationdiffusion-modelsneurips-2023semi-supervised-domain-generalization UpdatedJun 4, 2024 Python An official implementation of ICML 2022 paper "Learning Domain Adaptive Object Detection with Probabilistic Teacher"." ...
Confidence-diffusion instance contrastive learning for unsupervised domain adaptation Qing Tian,Wangyuchen Wu - Knowledge-Based S... - 2024 - 被引量: 0 Multi-scale iterative domain adaptation for specific emitter identification Jiaxu Liu,Jiao...
3.3 Gradient Diffusion via Spatial Aggregation 通过循环关联,我们可以建立 source 和 target 像素之间的联系。但是,通常只有部分 target 像素可以和 source 像素成功地建立起关联。原因有两个,一是循环关联倾向于选择最容易关联到的 target 像素;二是由于域差异,对于当前 source 图片的部分像素,target image 中在本质...
Generalization by Adaptation: Diffusion-Based Domain Extension for Domain-Generalized Semantic Segmentation [WACV 2024] [Pytorch] A Re-Parameterized Vision Transformer (ReVT) for Domain-Generalized Semantic Segmentation [ICCV Workshop 2023] [Pytorch] Weight Averaging Improves Knowledge Distillation under Doma...
We present an implementation of the Izhikevich neuron model which uses two first-order log-domain low-pass filters and two translinear multipliers. The neuron consists of a leaky-integrate-and-fire core, a slow adaptive state variable and quadratic positive feedback. Simulation results show that th...
[2024-07-03] We are happy to announce that our follow-up work DGInStyle on image diffusion for domain-generalizable semantic segmentation was accepted at ECCV24. [2023-09-26] We are happy to announce that our Extension Paper on domain generalization and clear-to-adverse-weather UDA was acca...
Significance-aware information bottleneck for domain adaptive semantic segmentation Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision (2019), pp. 6778-6787 Google Scholar Luo et al., 2019 Y. Luo, L. Zheng, T. Guan, J. Yu, Y. Yang Taking a closer look at domain shift: Cat...