The top property on window is marked [Unforgeable] in the spec, meaning it is a non-configurable own property and thus cannot be overridden or shadowed by normal code running inside the jsdom, even using Object.defineProperty. Similarly, at present jsdom does not handle navigation (such as...
jsdom is a pure-JavaScript implementation of many web standards, notably the WHATWGDOMandHTMLStandards, for use with Node.js. In general, the goal of the project is to emulate enough of a subset of a web browser to be useful for testing and scraping real-world web applications. The latest...
Fix: treat empty namespace URI as meaning "no namespace" with the getAttributeNS, hasAttributeNS, and setAttributeNS functions. (lddubeau) Fix: reference typed arrays in a way that doesn't immediately break on Node 0.6. Node 0.6 isn't supported in general, though. (kangax)0.8...
At first glance, it appears as though the last child of the blockquote element is the p element.You might expect the lastChild property to return the p element node. In reality, this won’t necessarily be the case.It’s true that the paragraph is the last element node contained by the...
Thetopproperty onwindowis marked[Unforgeable]in the spec, meaning it is a non-configurable own property and thus cannot be overridden or shadowed by normal code running inside the jsdom, even usingObject.defineProperty. Similarly, at present jsdom does not handle navigation (such as settingwindo...
The benefit of using dom exclusively in your code, is it comes complete with a "dom stub", which can be substituted in Node.js unit tests. The stub is as described, a stub, meaning most of the functions are NOOPs. But there are a few functions that work as mocks, meaning they are...
“leak” outside, meaning you can be freer with naming and not worry about selector conflicts. Also, JavaScript from the outside can’t reach in, meaning aquerySelectorAllisn’t going to select things inside the Shadow DOM. It’s a protective barrier that is unique to Web Components. ...
Both viewpoints are valid. The value of Ajax lies in-between. It lies in the ability to appreciate the power that comes with being able to make asynchronous requests to the server without a page refresh, while at the same time always bearing in mind that you are still dealing with document...
In certain scenarios, theNodeListremains static, meaning that modifications to the DOM will not impact the collection's contents. The commonly useddocument.querySelectorAll()function retrieves a staticNodeListvalue. When deciding how to iterate over the elements inNodeList, it's important to remember...
It is only a descendant of a div element, meaning it is nested somewhere, however deeply, beneath one. You can look for elements that do not have a certain matching quality. For instance, the example below gets all p elements that are not a child of an element with the first-div ID:...