The latter fact is, however, reflected in the different relative magnitude of g ∥ and g ⊥. Whereas for the Cr( d 5) radical cations g ∥≈ 2.00 > g ⊥ pertains, the Cr( d 7) radical anions are characterized by g ⊥≈ 2.00 > g ∥....
In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error and discuss how to troubleshoot and resolve it. Possible Causes There are several possible causes for the InitializeOLS error 2: 1.Missing Values: If the input data contains missing values, the OLS model may fail to ...
观点网讯:2月24日,东方电子股份有限公司(以下简称“东方电子”)发布公告,宣布其全资子公司烟台东方威思顿电气有限公司(以下简称“威思顿”)将设立子公司烟台威思顿数智科技有限公司(名称暂定),并进行固定资产投资。 根据公告,威思顿将独家现金出资,资金来源包括自有资金及项目贷款,总投资额预计为8.5亿元人民币。投资...
Werner L, SJ Tatjana, S. Marianna. Cembratienols and other components of white bark Pine (Pinus heldreichii) oleoresin. Phytochemistry, 1994, 36 (5), 1277-1279.Lange W, Stevanovic-Janezic T, Spanoudaki M (1994) Cembratrienols and other components of...
Marcin Olszyński (1829-1904) and his photographsphotographyPolish photographyvintage photographyhistory of photographyOlszyńskiMarcinWarsaw photographyTatra Mountainsmountain photographyBeyerZiętkiewicz,Marta