truncatus in Charleston, South Carolina, Brunswick, Georgia, and Sarasota, Florida (p ≥ .05), although, seasonal differences in lesion occurrence and type were observed (p < .05). Future studies should examine relationships between lesions and environmental variables and use stranded dolphins to ...
We estimated the prevalence of skin lesions and identified major lesion types on coastal bottlenose dolphins in Roanoke Sound, North Carolina, over a 3-year period using photo-identification. Boat-based surveys were conducted from April 2012 through October 2014. High quality images of distinctive ...
What is my happiness worth? It is worth having waited half of my life for this…A moment of Presence makes all the years worth it.” Elizabeth Gilliam, Acupuncturist , North Carolina As soon as you step into the field generated by Miracle Iqube it is just amped up. You must have this...
You can swim with eight dolphins and about thirty other people for two hours.The other holiday is in North Carolina, the US A. You can swim with four dolphins. and three other people for forty-five minutes. Scientists(科学家) watch all the time to see what the dolphins do when people ...
DuBose was playing in just the third game of his NFL career. The wide receiver, who played football at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, made his professional debut on September 8 after the Dolphins claimed him off waivers in August. ...
Using opportunistic platforms to study humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) during their breeding season, from July to November, we analyzed the distribution of dolphin sightings in a poorly studied area, the north coast of Bahia State, Brazil. Betwe
I was so excited to see the school of dolphins swam under our diving boat in North Carolina. “Like the ocean that remains calm in its depths even when waves rage over its surface, and like the sun that continues shining on high even during storms, we can at each moment create value ...
“Now we can say with confidence that it is,” said Greg Merrill, a researcher and doctoral student in ecology at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, who was not part of the new study. “It opens a myriad of inquiries into the consequences of such an exposure,” said Merrill, ...
“Now we can say with confidence that it is,” said Greg Merrill, a researcher and doctoral student in ecology at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, who was not part of the new study. “It opens a myriad of inquiries into the consequences of such an exposure...
Tursiops truncatus ) in North Carolina]]>STABLE isotopesBOTTLENOSE dolphinMAMMAL ecologyCART algorithmsTISSUE analysisThe article presents a study which examines the function of isotopes in assessing trophic ecology differences between sexes of dolphins and at different life stages of the animal. Topics ...