InstallationInstal And Uninstall KeywordsDolphin,Gamecube emulator,Wii emulator,Triforce emulator,emulator,Gamecube,Wii,Triforce Users' rating (23 rating) Currently 2.91/5 1 2 3 4 5 Add to saved freewareReport spywareDownload Dolphin - Freeware Download Notice ...
本吧热帖: 1-此吧吧规大家自觉遵守 2-美迪电商淘宝高级运营班 推广运营班 美迪电商美迪课堂视频资源 3-求助... 4-WII中文合集有80个 5-新马里奥wii怎么联机 6-原装红外感应自改USB口不起作用? 7-圣恩传说真没金手指吗 8-拉塔特斯克的骑士 按A B后 无法开始游戏求大佬们
本吧热帖: 1-此吧吧规大家自觉遵守 2-求助,红外线感应条 3-现在发现,不是wii游戏不能把画质做上去,而是机器本身性能问题 4-关于do模拟器的问题? 5-wiiu连接电脑《已解决》 6-求助... 7-WII游戏全集1700个(已分类) 8-关于模拟器连wii双截棍玩光枪游戏 9-求救 海豚模
With every passing year, the Wii U and 3DS eShops likely became more expensive to maintain and an increased security risk for the video game publisher. Instead of investing the time and resources into pleasing a smaller amount of players, the easier option is to turn everything off entirely....
Dolphin Up (Wii U eShop Game) first released 5th Feb 2015, developed by Rawkins Games and published by Rawkins Games.
本吧热帖: 1-新开一贴 dolphin 5.0RC 编译版放出 小白鼠们来吧 2-用wii手柄玩模拟器游戏是不是还要买感应条之类的 3-打不开咋办 4-Dolphin模拟器手柄体感设置图解(switch PRO系 和Joycon) 5-安卓dolphin模拟器按键实际映射顺时针旋转问题 6-有用小米15玩手机版dolphin的朋
Dolphin is an emulator for two recent Nintendo video game consoles: the GameCube and the Wii. It allows PC gamers to enjoy games for these two consoles in full HD (1080p) with several enhancements: compatibility with all PC controllers, turbo speed, networked multiplayer, and even more! Dolph...
Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements. - dolphin/Data/Sys/ApprovedInis.json at 0c14b0c8a70799072ddccb648006914af7c62855 · dolphin-emu/dolphin
Whether you're playing Wii Sports Resort or any other compatible game, the Motion Plus feature provides a more immersive and realistic gaming experience. The controller's induction accelerator technology is a testament to its ability to coordinate with the Wii remote, making it an indispensable ...
2pcs Controller for Wii Remote Controller Gamepad Built-in Motion Plus Control for Ninetend Wii/Wii U Console Wireless Game pad Feature: Name: 2 in 1 Motion Plus Remote Controller For Wii Compatible with for Wii/Wii U console. Functions as a combination of a remote controller and a motion ...