分类:游戏工具 大小:18.4M 语言:中文 版本:v2407167 安卓版 时间:2024-08-10 19:05 星级: 官网:暂无 厂商:Dolphin Emulator 平台:Android 标签:手游辅助游戏辅助工具上万精心大作,功能强大无比。应用截图应用介绍 海豚模拟器是一款功能强大的手游模拟器软件,该软件可以帮助玩家在手机上运行别的平台的游戏,一直困扰...
As for the Dolphin emulator, it emulates the retro Nintendo game consoles: the GameCube and Wii. Besides allowing users to play titles from these consoles, Dolphin lets users upscale the graphics, add compatibility to PC or mobile controls, and even support many modern features. Also read:Cool...
Thanks for downloading Dolphin Emulator 5.0-21088 Download of Dolphin Emulator 5.0-21088 will start in 5 seconds... Problems with the download? Please restart the download. Dolphin Emulator 5.0-21088 File Name: dolphin-master-5.0-21088.apk File Size: 18.32 MB Date Added: February 23, 2024...
Then, you are going to love this application “dolphin emulator APK”. It is an open-source video game console emulator. This application is the first-ever GameCube and Wii Video game emulator that runs commercial games effectively. The most interesting thing about the application is you can ...
Dolphin Emulator(任天堂Wii海豚模拟器7.0更新版)类别:游戏工具大小:12M版本:v7.0.0 安卓版时间:2020-10-23暂无苹果版 应用介绍 相关应用 用户评论(0)任天堂Wii海豚模拟器7.0更新版,目前十分强大的安卓游戏模拟器,在这款中你们可以随意的操作,快速的进入到喜欢的Wii游戏中,感受更多的乐趣。 任天堂Wii海豚模拟器7.0...
"Dolphin is an emulator for two recent Nintendo video game consoles: the GameCube and the Wii. It allows PC gamers to enjoy games for these two consoles in full HD (1080p) with several enhancements: compatibility with all PC controllers, turbo speed, networked multiplayer, and even more!" ...
Dolphin is a GameCube/Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC, with improvements. - vladfi1/dolphin
Download APK Dolphin Emulator 5.0.6269 for Android: The official Dolphin Emulator beta version, updated every month with the latest improvements to our software. THIS APP DOES NOT COME WITH GAMES. You...
Download APK Dolphin Emulator 5.0.11991 for Android: The official Dolphin Emulator beta version, updated every month with the latest improvements to our software. THIS APP DOES NOT COME WITH GAMES. You...
厂商:Dolphin Emulator MD5:org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu 88%12% 手机扫码下载 软件介绍 dolphin模拟器最新版是一款开源免费的游戏机模拟器。软件对Wii和GameCube两大平台的游戏有着很好的兼容性。软件的前身仅仅是ngc模拟器,在重新制作后就能模拟市面上大部分的Wii游戏,尤其可以支持原生WIi控制器,允许用户使用高分辨率和...