「推轨镜头」(Dolly Shot)代表运用台车、脚架或其他器具,朝被摄物接近或远离的摄影技法,「Dolly In」即代表「推进」摄影机靠近被摄物,反之「Dolly Out」则为「拉出」。 变焦镜头(Zoom Shot)则以改变镜头焦距的方式,达到景深的深浅变化。「Zoom In」代表焦距变长,景深变浅,被摄物在画面中放大;「Zoom Out」则...
film-crew-sets-up-elaborate-outdoor-dolly-shot_电影摄制组精心制作室外小玩意高清实拍视频素材 资源编号 :40833086 格式:mov 文件体积 :226m 下载量 :1 时长:16秒 分辨率 :1920×1080 浏览截图 MOV 226m 格式画质分辨率体积 加载中... 加载失败,点击重新加载 ...
film-crew-sets-up-elaborate-outdoor-dolly-shot_-电影摄制组精心制作室外道具高清实拍视频素材 资源编号 :40833640 格式:mov 文件体积 :90m 下载量 :1 时长:07秒 分辨率 :1920×1080 浏览截图 MOV 90m 格式画质分辨率体积 加载中... 加载失败,点击重新加载 ...
(Film) a camera shot in which the cameraman follows a specific person or event in the action Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Check Out Our Products These days, the challenge is to do more with less -- for less. That is why we came up with the Dana Dolly. Designed for the times where you just want to do a little 6' to 8' dolly move without a lot of setup. The Dana Dolly is easy to set up, can ...
The film turned out to be a huge success, and Dolly became even more popular among the children. 中文翻译: 在一家温馨的玩具店里,有一个名叫多莉的美丽洋娃娃,她是店里的明星。每天,孩子们都会进来,睁着大眼睛凝视着她,被她迷人的外表所吸引。有一天,一位名叫亚历克斯的年轻电影制作人来到了店里,他...
It's not the best musical ever made by a long shot, but it's undeniably fun to watch. It would be fun to see Barbra play the role now that she's a more appropriate age for it. Unfortunately, she doesn't do musicals anymore. Maybe Tyne Daly would take the part. Útil•41 11...
it can be used with a variety of track options, and can be supported using standard junior stands,apple boxes, or on the ground, whatever the shot requires. The dolly supports mitchell mount tripod heads, as well as 75mm and 100mm heads with included ball adapters. Simply put, the Dana ...
The ability to create a tracking shot using a dolly cart and track is one of the options in Unity’s Cinemachine package. Cinemachine is a unified automatic camera system that can be used for in-game cameras, cinematics and cutscenes, film pre-visualization, and virtual cinematography eSports ...
Zoom out to show the entire crowd at the concert. 2 Dolly Using camera movement to add a sense of three-dimensional space. The dolly shot made the audience feel like they were walking alongside the character. 1 Zoom The act of magnifying part of a scene in photography or film. A slow ...