推轨变焦镜头当中,「推轨」和「变焦」这两个词,分别为两种镜头运动(Shot Movement)方式。「推轨镜头」(Dolly Shot)代表运用台车、脚架或其他器具,朝被摄物接近或远离的摄影技法,「Dolly In」即代表「推进」摄影机靠近被摄物,反之「Dolly Out」则为「拉出」。 变焦镜头(Zoom Shot)则以改变镜头焦距的方式,达到...
Discover Dana Dolly's high-quality film dolly systems for seamless camera movement. Shop now for the best in professional cinematography equipment.
(Film) a camera shot in which the cameraman follows a specific person or event in the action Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The dolly itself has built-in control keys, providing additional convenience for those moments when the remote is out of reach. The compact size and lightweight design make it easy to carry, making it perfect for on-the-go shooting scenarios. **Reliable Performance and Versatile Compatibility**...
Zoom out to show the entire crowd at the concert. 2 Dolly Using camera movement to add a sense of three-dimensional space. The dolly shot made the audience feel like they were walking alongside the character. 1 Zoom The act of magnifying part of a scene in photography or film. A slow ...
Dolly with a direction setting device for carrying out movement in circles, in particular for film and video recordingthe car, in particular, dolly, includes at least three angular distance from a vertical axis arranged, each about a horizontal laufrollenachse (5a, 5b...
at the booth, but it will be interesting to see how the dolly works with less even surfaces. In the end, this Edelkrone DollyPLUS may be better suited in a studio environment where flat, even surfaces can be found. I can’t imagine using it on an old wooden floor or even outside. ...
When she's belting out a tune you can forget for the most part the rest of the movie's problems. And where her youth does benefit her is in that she has lots of energy and she bounces around the movie with verve and life, brightening the screen as she goes. I'm a fan of Walter...
and Dolly Parton raised to the top of the charts. Dolly was the number one though. When she came to the famous life she had ten best top hits of all time. Ya’ll music lovers out there said, “We really couldn’t adore Dolly more.” As Dolly Parton is a songwriter/ performer/ act...
I had also watched the classic Christmas film The Miracle on 34th Street (which is a reference to Macy’s big flagship store in New York City) on television as a child. When I was growing up outside of Baltimore, Macy’s was strictly a New York-based department store so I didn’t ...