Inflation expectations and dollarisation in PeruInflation expectationsexchange rate pass-through into pricesSVAR modelsNo abstract is available for this item.Renzo RossiniMarco VegaZenón QuispeFernando PerezBank for International SettlementsBis Papers Chapters...
Why is Dollar Debt Cheaper? Evidence from PeruEmerging Market Corporate DebtCurrency MismatchLiability DollarizationCarry TradeIn emerging markets, a significant share of corporate loans are denominated in dollars. Using novel data that enables us to see currency and the cost of creditdoi:10.2139/ssrn...
So did Il Sakong, former South Korean finance minister; Boris Fedorov, former Russian finance minis- ter, and Pedto-Pablo Kuczynski, Peru's former top finance official. Daniel Griswold, director of the conservative Cato Institute's trade policy studies, says the dollar was "still the best bet...
Dollarisation intensifies the challenges posed to monetary policy by the pass-through of the exchange rate to domestic prices. These challenges become even greaRossini, RenzoVega, MarcoQuispe, ZenonPérez Forero, Fernando J.Social Science Electronic Publishing...
Lizarzaburu, Edmundo R., Interest Rate and Spot FX Relation: The Peruvian Sol (S/.) and the U.S. Dollar (U.S. $) in the Financial Market in Peru: Fisher Model for Determining the Peruvian Future Exchange in Electronic Mechanisms (March 28, 2011). Available at SSRN: