Having long since dumped my dusty forest pathology tomes, I relied on the power of Google to find reference a serious sounding tree ailment, and by serious sounding, I mean I can’t come close to pronouncing it. “ Phytophthora austrocedri (P. austrocedri) is a fungus-like pathogen which...
Having long since dumped my dusty forest pathology tomes, I relied on the power of Google to find reference a serious sounding tree ailment, and by serious sounding, I mean I can’t come close to pronouncing it. “ Phytophthora austrocedri (P. austrocedri) is a fungus-like pathogen which...
with a home and guest quarters that pairs to this one of a kind New Hartford compound. Privacy and serenity unfold as you approach from the tree-lined driveway. Graceful, old-world architecture