Having long since dumped my dusty forest pathology tomes, I relied on the power of Google to find reference a serious sounding tree ailment, and by serious sounding, I mean I can’t come close to pronouncing it. “ Phytophthora austrocedri (P. austrocedri) is a fungus-like pathogen which...
Apparently, I must have been dozing during forestry classes on the subject of serious tree diseases, and by serious, I mean possibly, in some distant future, affecting the source of gin that I would someday come to crave, after almost dying drinking the evil fruit of the blue agave plant...
Stores like Dollar Tree and other Dollar-type stores still have bargains to be sure, but not on everything. As inflation continues to rise, and our paychecks don't seem to keep pace, many of us have to watch our pennies even closer to ensure we are getting the most for our hard-earne...
I was at family Dollar and money tree on East Sahara on a Friday 29th I purchased or it may have been Thursday the 28th I purchased two fortnite cards at 1995 a piece I never got the cards the gentleman never put the receipt inside my bag it was very busy in there he was the onl...
My small table Christmas tree in Mexico this year is made up of ivermectin labels as ornaments cut out from small boxes purchased over the counter from pharmacies. Want to send u a pic but unable to on ur site. Do u have an email, Greg?“All wars are banksters’ wars” was first coi...