If you thought about saving a buck, you may not be saving that much money after all. Dollar Tree is raising some of their prices again on certain brands.
a butcher, and flower stands, rather than the warehouse-style supermarkets common in the U.S. They opened their first store in Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1982. Today, Fresh Market has some 159 stores in 22 states
I was at Dollar General in Greensboro NC. During the 50% off sale. I purchased some clearance items. In the front of the store they had some gym jackets and no price were on them. I asked how much they were, And a clerk told me $1.00. I was happy so I picked up 4 jackets. ...
GREENSBORO, N.C. (WNCT) Wayne County had an arrest recalled for Melvin Sylvester Harvey Jr. As the investigation into this crime continued today, it has been determined that Harveyis NOT the person that committed this crime and the charges are being dismissed at this time. Officials said the...