In Q3, our Dollar Tree and Family Dollar merchandising efforts produced tangible results and sales came in at the high end of our outlook range. Total net sales got a big boost from our noncomp stores with Dollar Tree noncomp sales contributing over three times more revenue this year. This r...
Looking at performance by banner, Dollar Tree comps increased 1.3% on a 1.4% traffic increase, modestly offset by a 0.1% average ticket decline. While comps were positive in each month, they softened sequentially throughout the quarter. While discretionary products remain an integral part of Dolla...
But for now, for the quarter, our Dollar Tree segment delivered its best quarterly same-store sales since Q3 of 2017. The 4.7% comp increase was comprised of a 9.5% increase in ticket, partially offset by a 4.4% decline in traffic. Notably, we saw double-digit increase in traffic in Ap...
Dollar Tree ($DLTR) stock has dropped significantly after its Q2 FY24 results and further declines are possible in the near term. Even though the company’s CEO Rick...
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