Each tree in the forest at each pixel location predicts such a labeling. All these labels need to be combined into a single global solution for the image: the authors formulate this as a “label puzzle game” and offer an iterative approach guaranteed to converge to a local minimum. This ...
I believe Professor Hamilton’s message is something along the lines of people not seeing the forest while looking for a particular tree to blame it on. Singling out one, particular, variable as the cause doesn’t explain the overall trend. Oil and its byproducts are, perhaps, the most con...
Joshua Tree National Park in California was named after its picturesque, spiky Joshua trees. Mormon immigrants named the trees after the biblical Joshua after noticing that the limbs looked as if they were outstretched in prayer. Many of the park's animals, including the Scott's orioles, wood ...
Kearns, M., Littman, M.L., Singh, S.: An efficient exact algorithm for solving tree-structured graphical games. In: Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems-Natural and Synthetic, pp. 817–823 (2002) Mantel, R.: On the characterization of aggregate excess-...
Can I use the metaphor of planting a tree to grow your wealth when talking about personal finance? An example of a final good would be: a. the coffee beans sold to Starbucks b. a soy latte sold by Starbucks to a student c. the whipped cream sold to Starbucks d. th...
treeship = 100% trembling = 100% tremellaceae = 100% trepangs = 100% triadist = 100% tricarbon = 100% trickful = 100% trierarch = 100% triones = 100% triplet = 100% triply = 100% tristam = 100% trisula = 100% tritor = 100% trizoic = 100% trochlear...