You’ll need a Dollar Tree glass vase, Dollar Tree Nautical rope, Dollar Tree glass gems a glue gun and Dollar Tree Battery Pillar Candle Glue the nautical rope around the bottom of the vase and wrap it around 3 times. On top of the rope attach the gems with a glue gun like in the...
You can turn a boring old side table into something beautiful and seemingly expensive with a package of glass gems or stones at the Dollar Store. It’s really a great project for sprucing up your home decor. source Adorable Stitched Heart Bookmarks Use paperclips, white embroidery thread and ...
large, round acrylic tray(dollar store) 2-3 bags of Accent Gems from Dollar Tree orthese glue that works with non-porous surfaces (E6000or Glu6 Original) plate stand(sturdy enough to hold mirror) I started by gluing the mirror to the center of the tray, then glued the gems around the ...
22. DIY Unique Candles with Dollars Tree Value morenascorner If a nearing occassion calls for unique decors, you can surely help organize that party pretty well with this unique candle decor! 23. DIY Air Dry Clay Jewelry Bowls aliceandlois Here is another simple container idea to your precious...
Oxford’s Ashmolean Museum has one of these, too: “The Messiah” from 1716, perhaps the most famous and immaculate of all Strads. Leonhard has apparently discovered its almost identical twin from 1717. An expert has confirmed that the spruce used in both violins came from the same tree. Le...