Why I love this craft Each spring, I usually see Easter bunny head wreath forms at my local Dollar Tree. They are such a unique and fabulous blank canvas that can be decorated in so many different ways. By wrapping the wreath form in raffia ribbon, the decorating possibilities are just ab...
I had never flown a DLG but they looked like fun so I ordered an inexpensive one to try out and crashed it the first day simply because of learning to launch and fly. I decided it was time for a really inexpensive DLG for learning. The question was, would Dollar Tree foam board handl...
Oh yeah, in full disclosure this is not a paid endorsement for the Dollar Tree. It’s simply a collection of things I’ve purchased and ways I’ve used them in my classroom. But I am an affiliate so you can check out what they haveavailable online at the Dollar Tree. Craft foam Cra...
You might be familiar with these plastic storage drawers that you can find at the Dollar Tree store. They’re practical and we can thick of a lot of uses for them but they’re not the prettiest of the bunch. However, that can be changed with a simple makeover. You can turn a couple...