2023年8月24日,德克萨斯州奥斯汀,一名顾客走出一家美元树(Dollar Tree)便利店。(Brandon Bell/Getty Images) 美元树(Dollar Tree)周三(3月13日)报告说,由于假日季度销售额和利润不及市场预期,该公司计划在未来几年内关闭1,000家商店,包括600家...
Dollar Tree announced that it is closing600 of its Family Dollar store locationsin 2024. On top of that, the discount retailer also plans to close an additional 370 Family Dollar stores, plus 30 Dollar Tree locations over the next few years, at the end of their leases. In total, the pla...
周三,Dollar Tree 表示,除了 10.7 亿美元的商誉费用外,还将对商品名 Family Dollar 记录 9.5 亿美元的减值。Family Dollar 将花费超过 5.94 亿美元关闭或重塑商店,这基本上消除了假日季的利润。 GlobalData 董事总经理Neil Saunders写道:“这...
Locations of stores that are to be closed haven't yet been announced so it's unknown at this time if any Michigan locations will be shuttered. Family Dollar currently operates 367 stores in Michigan while Dollar Tree has store locations in 169 Michigan cities with some cities having more than...
Dollar Tree 计划在今年上半年关闭约 600 家 Family Dollar 商店,并在未来几年关闭 370 家 Family Dollar 和 30 家 Dollar Tree 商店。Dollar Tree 的发言人在一份声明中告诉 CBC News,关闭门店的决定是在进行了投资组合审查后做出的,“旨在识别和解决表现不佳的门店,并投资于提高门店标准和增长”。这些变化影响...
美国近千家Family Dollar店将关闭 | 今日美国2024-3-13:根据该公司的新闻稿,Dollar Tree 宣布将关闭近 1,000 家 Family Dollar 商店,因为这些商店在 2023 年业绩严重不佳。该公司表示,2023 年第四季度,Dollar Tree 对其门店业绩进行了审查,以确定要关闭、搬迁或重新开业的地点。“根据此次审查,我们计划在 2024 ...
美国知名一元店集团Dollar Tree的 首席执行官里克·德雷林(Rick Dreiling) 在上周三的财报电话会议上表示, 计划在今年上半年关闭 600家Family Dollar商店, 以及在未来几年内关闭另外370家 Family Dollar商店和30家Dollar Tree商店。 Dollar Tree公司第四季度 ...
It wasannouncedWednesday that more than 1000 Family Dollar and Dollar Tree stores around the nation would be closing with some stores closing in the first half of 2024. Why are so many stores being closed? Several factors have led to the decision to reduce the company's footprint: ...
Illinois has plenty of bargain shops to use but the state will still be largely affected by the closing of Family Dollar and Dollar Tree Stores.
唏嘘,Family Dollar与Dollar Tree全美关闭上千分店 全美最具知名度的廉价超市Family Dollar宣布,由于主要客群受到通膨高涨冲击,业绩表现下跌,将关闭全国各地约1000家分店。Dollar Tree则由于上一年第四季度突然出现的严重亏损,决定将在今年上半年关闭600家门店。