联商快讯:6月5日消息,美国折扣巨头Dollar Tree(美元树)表示,由于通胀率居高不下、消费者支出持续紧张,公司正探索各种选择并考虑重组业务,包括计划出售或分拆旗下品牌Family Dollar(家庭美元)。同一赛道的Dollar General(达乐)也在积极应对可支配需求疲软的问题,顾客将更多的注意力放在了利润较低的消费品上。此...
Dollar Tree bought Family Dollar in 2015 for almost $9 billion. The business has been struggling ever since to compete against its major rival,Dollar General. The company has not set a deadline or definitive timetable for the sale review process, and is working with JPMorga...
Dollar Tree Buys Family DollarChapman, Candice ChoiMichelle
Family Dollar 商店的净销售额增长 3.9%, 达到33 亿美元。 Dollar Tree公司的整体同店 销售额同比增长了3.9%, 而Dollar Tree商店的销售额增长了5.4%, Family Dollar商店的销售额同比增长了2%。 该公司的营业收入从去年的3.813亿美元 同比下降近21%至3.017亿美元。 Dollar Tree公司上周三下调了全年展望。 该公司目...
美国Dollar Tree周三表示计划出售或分拆Family Dollar。Dollar Tree不到十年前收购Family Dollar的交易已被证明是一次灾难性的合并。 Family Dollar在美国约有8000家门店,主要面向城市的低收入消费者,商品价格通常在1元至10元之间。近年来,这家连锁店一直在苦苦挣扎,并于去年宣布计划关闭900多家门店。
网易财经7月29日讯美国廉价超市Dollar Tree已经同意以85亿美元现金加股票的方式收购竞争对手Family Dollar。具体交易价格为74.5美元每股,其中包括59.6美元现金和14.9美元的Dollar Tree股票。 这个价格比Family Dollar上周五的收盘价溢价22.8%。两家全美最大廉价超市的合并将改变消费者的习惯,并对美国的零售行业造成巨大压力...
Over the next few years, Dollar Tree and Family Dollar will close 1,000 stores in the United states. Dollar Tree purchased the Family Dollar chain in 2015.
全美最具知名度的廉价超市Family Dollar宣布,由于主要客群受到通膨高涨冲击,业绩表现下跌,将关闭全国各地约1000家分店。Dollar Tree则由于上一年第四季度突然出现的严重亏损,决定将在今年上半年关闭600家门店。 Dollar Tree是全美最为知名的廉价超市之一,凭借仅售1美元的商品而迅速风靡北美零售市场,得益于其背后庞大且廉...
"The Family Dollar business just isn't delivering the growth and profit needed, and the amount of work required to bring it up to scratch is considerable. Dollar Tree has figured that it is better off selling or spinning off the Family Dollar business so that it can concentrate on its ...
Icahn said that Family Dollar was a great company but is currently struggling with low profit margins and the competition. He said that there is a chance that the company could be bought and reassembled at a cheaper price. After Dollar Tree declared that it will purchase Family Dollar for $...