Ready to send money with Western Union? Get started British Pound to Australian Dollar conversion rateExchange Rates shown are estimates, vary by a number of factors including payment and payout methods, and are subject to change. Millions of people go nuts for our app – see why: ... is the largest money exchange rate and live gold price site in Bangladesh. Here you can know the money exchange rate in BDT at any time any
Supports both GBP to USD and USD to GBP conversions: The app provides support for both directions of currency conversion, so you can easily switch between pounds and dollars in either direction. Convenient and portable: The app is a practical tool that you can carry with you anywhere, making...
(CAD), Swiss Franc(CHF), Chinese Yuan Renminbi(CNY), Euro(EUR), British Pound(GBP), Hong Kong Dollar(HKD), Hungarian Forint(HUF), Indian Rupee(INR), Japanese Yen(JPY), Malaysian Ringgit(MYR), New Zealand Dollar(NZD), Singapore Dollar(SGD), US Dollar(USD), South African Rand(ZAR) ...
To: Dollar australien (AUD)Bitcoin (BTC)Dollar canadien (CAD)Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY)Euro (EUR)British Pound (GBP)Yen japonais (JPY)US Dollar (USD)Dirham des Émirats Arabes Unis (AED)Real brésilien (BRL)Swiss Franc (CHF)Couronne danoise (DKK)Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)Forint hongrois...
Change British Pound Change NZD GBP -0.0% 1 NZD = 0.47 GBP Change Hong Kong Dollar Change NZD HKD +0.0% 1 NZD = 4.54 HKD Change Forint hongrois Change NZD HUF -0.9% 1 NZD = 228.28 HUF Change Roupie indienne Change NZD INR -0.1% 1 NZD = 49.21 INR Change Yen japonais...
To: Dolar Australia (AUD)Bitcoin (BTC)Canadian Dollar (CAD)China Yuan Renminbi (CNY)Euro (EUR)British Pound (GBP)Yen Jepang (JPY)US Dollar (USD)Dirham Uni Emirat Arab (AED)Real Brazil (BRL)Swiss Franc (CHF)Danish Krone (DKK)Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)Forint Hungaria (HUF)Rupiah Indonesia (...
the IMF decided that the Renminbi (Chinese yuan) would be added to the basket effective October 1, 2016. From that date, the XDR basket now consists of the following five currencies: U.S. dollar 41.73%, Euro 30.93%, Renminbi (Chinese yuan) 10.92%, Japanese yen 8.33%, British pound ...
→ USD to JPY → USD to CAD → USD to EUR → USD to GBP → USD to CNY → USD to MXN Change Converter source currency Australian Dollar Brazilian Real British Pound Sterling Bulgarian Lev Canadian Dollar Chinese Yuan RMB Czech Republic Koruna Danish Krone Euro Hong Kong Dollar Hungarian Fori...
US Dollar Egyptian Pound 49.252 +0.004 (+0.01%) FeedbackCrossesPriceDay%Day%YearDate USDEGP 49.2479 0.0008 0.00% 59.65% 21:06 EUREGP 53.8061 -0.0099 -0.02% 58.95% Aug/08 GBPEGP 62.5187 0.0600 0.10% 59.34% Aug/08 AUDEGP 32.3188 0.2175 0.68% 60.11% Aug/08 NZDEGP 29.5609 0.0762 0.26...