Coping with inflation generates some creativity from those planning their retirement. One Facebook commenter suggested shopping at stores like Costco. Another said the secret was to move to Southeast Asia. One risk taker was inclined to simply invest more in stocks. My favorite comment: “When I...
Child World was a chain of toy stores that were founded in Quincy, Massachusetts. For a couple of decades in Maine, Child World was the secret alternative to Toys 'R Us, offering parents a chance to get their hands on hot toys like Cabbage Patch Kids and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...
To Dick’s comment on closeness of things, we stayed in one village that had one pub, but was a pleasant 25-30 minute walk from a town with several more venues as well as stores and a library. (While we were there the village had a charity “tea,” aka bake sale, that was ...
The jughandle is also known as a Jersey left, is a type of ramp or slip road that changes the way traffic turns left at an at-grade intersection (in a country where traffic drives on the right). Instead of a standard left turn being made from the left lane, left-turning traffic uses...