Native to South America, tonka beans are known for their rich, vanillalike aroma and are used in perfumery and flavors around the world. But the beans contain coumarin, a compound linked to liver damage in high doses. Consequently, the FDA banned the use of tonka beans in food products in...
The Villages also operates an excellent K-12 Charter School system for children of under-55 people who are employed (but not residing) in occupations (banks, stores, medical facilities, etc) within The Villages. A nice perk that attracts and keeps a much needed workforce, in an area with ...
Thomas Johnson of Portland State University School of Business was stunned to discover, after studying Toyota for more than a decade, that the company considered its 90,000-unit-peryear plant in Melbourne, Australia, as efficient as the 500,000-unitper-year plant in Georgetown, Kentucky. ...