I love your company but cannot seem to get my foot in the door! Please help!!! Ed Curran, Columbia, Mo. Available anytime and have great references!!! 28 Nov Posted byPissed off won't be back to any 11/28/17 6:30PM I worked at Dollar General and never once was I told you co...
Ashley Coan from Kansas City, MO May 07, 2024 20 My complaint is for the store location 757 w Broadway council bluffs iowa. I am a frequent shopper at this Family Dollar. I would say I shop there at least 3 or 4 times a week. It's been going on for a couple of months now...
The hedonic improvement is that mail to distant cities is now sent by air without a surcharge; however, slower handling at both ends probably wipes out any time saving from the use of air mail. But if Paulo from British Columbia wants to mail a letter to Toronto, it will...
Cape Girardeau, MO Today as other days, I shopped at this store as I have done for so many years and again had to fight opening the door while trying to navigate a shopping cart through the door, over the threshold and trying to hold the door open at the same time! Dollar General ...