Currency conversion rates from U.S. Dollar to Nigerian Naira today Fri, 10 Jan 2025: convert from U.S. Dollar to Nigerian Naira and also convert in a reverse direction. Rates are based on real time exchange rates. Exchange rates are updated every 15 minu
Check today's US Dollar to Nigerian Naira exchange rate with Western Union's currency converter. Send USD and your receiver will get NGN in minutes.
Dollar to Naira exchange Rate today. The parallel market rates is from a bureau de change on Lagos Mainland. Rates vary based on location (demand and supply, purchasing pwer etc). Rates on Lagos Island, Lekki axis and Abuja are usually higher than Lagos Mainland. Rates in other cities may...
This page contains current information about thedollar-to-nairaexchange rate today in the black market as well as the official Central Bank of Nigeria rate. This article is well detailed enough, and it will be beneficial for you, as it will keep you updated with the dollar to naira exchange...
Buying Rate $1 = ₦1680 Selling Rate $1 = ₦1680 Dollar to Naira CBN Exchange Rate Today Buying Rate $1 = ₦1,547 Selling Rate $1 = ₦1,548 Buy price: it is the price at which the market is buying. Sell price:it’s the price at which the market is selling. ...
How Monierate works Monierate operates as a platform for comparing dollar prices across various providers in Nigeria. Here's how it works: Comparison Functionality:Monierate gathers and displays the prices of the dollar from multiple providers in Nigeria. You can compare these prices to find the ...
Here is all about the current Dollar to Naira exchange rate in the black market for today. Get updated with the latest dollar-to-naira rates.
ReadNaija Newsupdate on the official dollar rate in nigeria as well asBlack Marketrates,Bureau De Change (BDC)rates, andCBN rates. How Much IsDollar To Naira ExchangeRate Today Official Rate? The official rate today, Thursday, April 21st,2022, for $1 dollar to naira = ₦417.81/$1. ...
The exchange rate of the US dollar to naira for today is N690. This is the most likely price at which one will be able to exchange his dollars at the parallel market. While it may be possible to get a lesser rate, such as the “low” price quoted in the table; you can be sure...
JPY to USD exchange rate JPYJapanese Yen converterJPY exchange rateJapanese Yen conversion USDJPY to USD0.0064 In finance, anJPY to USD exchange rateis theJapanese Yen to >US Dollar rateat which Japanese Yen to US Dollar will be exchanged for another. It is also regarded as the value of ...