Canadian Dollars per Liter to US Dollar per Gallon:Computes the price of gasoline or diesel in U.S. dollars per gallon based on the price per liter in Canadian Dollars. Compare US dollars per Gallon with Canadian dollars per Liter:Price compares two items where one is in U.S. dollar per...
2.1.565 Part 1 Section 18.2.2, calcPr (Calculation Properties) 2.1.566 Part 1 Section 18.2.3, customWorkbookView (Custom Workbook View) 2.1.567 Part 1 Section 18.2.4, customWorkbookViews (Custom Workbook Views) 2.1.568 Part 1 Section 18.2.5, definedName (Defined Name) 2.1.569 Part...
Again in 2021, the food and beverage workers at $12.49 per hour earned a relatively low 40 percent of the average wage. These workers had a wage that not only involved low purchasing power (or low relative earnings) but also conveyed low economic status. In contrast, cardiologists earned 1...