If you are a part of the general rebel-rousers or useless eaters, consider what happened to the debt of the ‘regular’ populace during the Weimar Inflation. It was reset to a level commensurate (supposedly) to the old debt into the NEW currency. THERE WAS NO JUBILEE FOR THE LIKES OF...
In particular, I’m thinking of the film installation And yet my mask is powerful, by the Palestinian-American artists Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abu-Rahme, which showed individuals wandering through what remains of a Palestinian village and “rethinking the site of the wreckage.” I was also moved...
Wake up! Cheers! Stav August 4, 2009 @ 12:35 am Hi jgalindes, Sorry for the long post, I really hope it is relevant to this article. I tried to stay at least on the general topic of Zionism. Let me correct you slightly, Greece is comprised of Orthodox People ON PAPER at abou...
Once the marketing team has succeeded in pre-selling the developer’s dream, next comes the bricks-and-mortar attempt to build its passable facsimile. Architects prepare the building design, structural engineers plan the building’s skeleton, and a general contractor manages the site’s construction...
Geert Wilders, leader of the victorious Freedom Party in last November's Dutch General Election has been forced to give up his efforts to form a coalition that could command a majority in the Netherlands' state assembly and now accepts he will not be the next prime minister of the ...