How many Dollar General stores are there in the United States? There are 20,401 Dollar General stores in the United States as of February 15, 2025. The state and territory with the most number of Dollar General locations in the US is Texas, with 1,887 stores, which is about 9% of al...
Everything you need to save money at Dollar General, match ups, coupon policy & more. Coupon Database Filter by Dollar General in the search box to find all the latest Dollar General Coupons. Latest Dollar General Coupons & Deals:
There are currently seventeenDollar General Storeswithin a 10-mile radius of the Evansville zip code 47711. Soon that number of stores will be eighteen. There are plans for another Dollar General Store next to Wolf's Bar-B-Q. google maps Wolf's Bar-B-Q-"This is the area that will be...
Dollar General, the Goodlettsville, Tennessee-based chain of discount retail stores, provides a broad selection of merchandise in 15,000 stores in 44 states. Guided by the mission of serving others, Dollar General supports the values of convenience, quality brands and low prices. The store operato...
Dollar General’s first Beauty Reinvention stores launched in February 2023 and include beauty bars to give customers a ‘treasure hunt’ experience with face masks, hair treatments, nail polish, lip gloss, bath bombs and more. Other format enhancements include increasing the skincare section by 50...
CHESAPEAKE, Va. (AP) — Family Dollar is rejecting Dollar General's latest acquisition offer, and Dollar Tree says it will now divest as many stores as needed to get antitrust clearance for its deal to buy Family Dollar.
Family Dollar Stores competitors include Walmart, Dollar General , and 99 Cents Only Stores. Family Dollar Stores ranks 3rd in Overall Culture Score on Comparably vs its competitors. See below how Family Dollar Stores compares to its competitors with CEO Rankings, Product & Services, NPS, Pricing...
UPDATE: WTRF has found that most of the Ohio Valley DG stores are open. Officials said they were closed for changing their prices but are now open (WKBN)- Employees at multiple Dollar General locations in the Ohio Valley have confirmed that all Ohio locations are closed for the day on Fr...
Dollar General Corp. engages in the operation of merchandise stores. Its offerings include food, snacks, health and beauty aids, cleaning supplies, basic apparel, housewares, and seasonal items. It sells brands including Clorox, Energizer, Procter & Gamble, Hanes, Coca-Cola, Mars, Unilever, Nestl...