There are 20,401 Dollar General stores in the United States as of February 15, 2025. The state and territory with the most number of Dollar General locations in the US is Texas, with 1,887 stores, which is about 9% of all Dollar General stores in the US. 20,401 Locations 48 St...
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“We have been purposeful in our expansion, balancing new, fresh and trendy items with value,” said Amanda Wilson, senior beauty buyer at Dollar General. “Beauty Reinvention creates a beauty destination at DG.” Dollar General’s first Beauty Reinvention stores launched in February 2023 and inc...
美国零售商99 Cents Only Stores正考虑申请破产 在经济困难时期, 你可能会认为折扣店会受益, 这对于一些零售商来说确实如此, 例如沃尔玛和规模相对较小的 Dollar General。 但实际上,许多低价零售商 正面临着巨大的挑战。 以折扣寻宝模式为基础的两家零售商,...
Dollar General Corp. engages in the operation of merchandise stores. Its offerings include food, snacks, health and beauty aids, cleaning supplies, basic apparel, housewares, and seasonal items. It sells brands including Clorox, Energizer, Procter & Gamble, Hanes, Coca-Cola, Mars, Unilever, Nestl...
Top 10 Dollar General Stores in Evansville According to Yelp 10.2131 S Weinbach Ave DOLLAR GENERAL EVANSVILLE 10 GOOGLE MAPS 9.3025 N St Joseph Ave DOLLAR GENERAL EVANSVILLE 09 GOOGLE MAPS 8.1555 S Boeke Rd DOLLAR GENERAL EVANSVILLE 08 GOOGLE MAPS ...
UPDATE: WTRF has found that most of the Ohio Valley DG stores are open. Officials said they were closed for changing their prices but are now open (WKBN)- Employees at multiple Dollar General locations in the Ohio Valley have confirmed that all Ohio locations are closed for the day on Fr...
Dollar General to open 50 stores in CaliforniaBy Shan Li
The enterprise operates one dollar stores under the name Dollar Bills and Dollar Tree. The Enterprise also operates a multi-price-point variety chain under the name Deal$. Dollar Tree company competes in the low-end and dollar store with the national chains Big Lots, Dollar General, Family ...